it's coming!
this 20th & 30th will be the day.
the starting monday must be a tough day i guess.
oh shit! it seems that i've to be a struggling chick!
kawan-kawan doakan saya ye! T_T
as i travel foot by foot
in searching the blissful worship
the day was made for us
as the little red being lucky meeting the helios yellow
and i am glad u truly there, waiting for me
PS: in the xoxo mood ^.^
wishing u gud lak~
thanks melon..miss ke mr. melon heh?ehe~
Good Luck utk upcoming exam nnt... sudah FINALE ke? How lucky...
.DizzY AzZ.
thanx dizzy :) yup, suda FINALE..tak sabar mau abis..just tinggal 1 short sem utk project only..
gdluck gdluck...yay..aku abes final dlu dr ko..hahahhaa
.a I z A m.
thanks..thanks..waaaaaaaaa tak aci! takpe2..ko keje dulu, nt senang aku mau mintak keje pulak..he he~
to my beloved frens..
godd luck eyh final ko..walaupun da agak terlambat kan aku nak wish coz paper POI da setle tapi aku tetap nak wish jugak...hahahah!!!!
.AsZuRa HaRuN.
thanx babe! but paper td memang cam haram! haha~
u know u love me, XoXo :D
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